The Constituent Assembly also has to appoint a president and form a temporary government. 制宪议会还必须任命一位总统并组成临时政府。
Vote counting is under way in Nepal following the nation's historic constituent assembly election. 尼泊尔举行具有历史意义的国民议会选举之后,目前正在清点选票。
Q. That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly? 那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍?
The 200-seat General National Congress will be tasked with forming a government until a constituent assembly drafts a new national charter. 拥有200个席位的国民议会(generalnationalcongress)将负责组建新政府,直至一个制宪会议起草新的国家宪法。
What if the issue of monarchy is decided through a constituent assembly? 通过制宪会议来解决君主制的问题如何?
When a Constituent Assembly was elected in2008 to write it, the Maoists emerged with an effective veto and twice as many seats as their nearest rival. 在2008年所选举制定宪法的制宪议会时,毛派通过行使有效否决权,使得议会中毛派所占席位是其对手的两倍。
So we are apprehensive as to whether the parliamentary political parties will only work to improve and institutionalise the house and legitimise it rather than moving ahead in the direction of a constituent assembly. 因此我们理解为什么议会政党只是改善并使议会合法化而不是朝着制宪会议的方向前进。
Therefore, the fate of monarchy should be decided before the constituent assembly elections. 因此,皇室的命运应在制宪会议选举前决定。
We have also stressed on quickly going for constituent assembly elections jointly. 我们还要尽快共同举行制宪会议选举。
Sapana Pradhan Malla, a member of Nepal's Constituent Assembly, says the laws in place to protect women should be enforced. 尼泊尔制宪议会成员普拉丹.马拉说,为保护妇女所设立的法律必须要执行。
Q. What if the issue of monarchy is decided through a constituent assembly? The all-powerful interim government formed afterwards will hold the constituent assembly elections. 问:通过制宪会议来解决君主制的问题如何?随后,由全权的临时政府进行制宪会议选举。
The referendum will decide the fate of monarchy and the constituent assembly elections the restructuring of the state. 公民投票将决定皇室的命运,而制宪会议选举决定国家重建。
The elected representatives of the constituent assembly will draft the new constitution. 制宪会议选出的代表将起草一部新宪法。
Tunisia is due on October23rd to hold an election to a constituent assembly. 突尼斯计划在十月二十三号举行国民代表大会的选举。
And one socialist leader has been known seriously to demand that the Constituent Assembly give him a small district with all its inhabitants, to try his experiments upon. 一个有名的社会主义领导者一本正经的要求立宪会议交给他一小块地区和这个地区的居民,让他去进行他的试验。
He will head an interim government that is set to rule at least until elections to a constituent assembly next summer. 不过,他至少将领导一个过渡期政府执政直到明年夏天的立宪选举会议之前。
The accord paves the way for elections to the constituent assembly that are due to take place on April10th. 该协定将为预计在4月10日举行的制宪议会铺平道路。
The all-powerful interim government formed afterwards will hold the constituent assembly elections. 随后,由全权的临时政府进行制宪会议选举。
East Timor officially elected a Constituent Assembly on August 30 last year and passed the first constitution for the country in March this year. 去年8月30日,东帝汶正式选举产生了制宪议会,并在今年3月通过了这个国家的第一部宪法。
The country is now preparing for October elections for a constituent assembly, tasked to write a new constitution and prepare for legislative and presidential elections. 突尼斯现在正在为今年10月举行制宪大会作准备。制宪大会的工作是制定新宪法,以及为立法和总统选举进行准备。
After the designer modifies assembly dimensions or parameters of constituent parts, the assembly drawing is updated automatically. So the parametric design of parts and their assembly are unified and integrated to realize automated design. 在设计者对装配尺寸或零部件的参数作出修改后,可自动进行装配图调整,达到零部件参数化和装配设计参数化的统一,实现自动设计。
To improve the precision and efficiency of lofting and preassembly of all constituent elements in an iron tower, an automated assembly approach through using datum face and two locating holes to align assembled parts is presented. 为了提高放样精度和放样效率,实现铁塔的虚拟预装配,提出了适用于铁塔三维放样的面贴合-孔定位自动装配方法。
The qing government at that time with the constituent assembly, in such circumstances, a new deal was a solid foundation of culture. 清政府当时已是四面楚歌,立宪迫在眉睫,在这样的环境下实行新政,显然没有坚实的文化根基。
The second one is to reveal the political compromise in the Constituent Assembly through analysing the formation and the approval of the "Federal Constitution". 其次是通过分析《联邦宪法》的形成与通过来透视制宪会议中存在的政治妥协。